10 Minutes

Resistance Bands
Resistance Band Door Attachement

Total body resistance workout using bands
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I prefer Total Body II to Total Body on disc one, because of the door attachment. I really like being able to add more resistance by just taking a step forward, and I feel it is a bit easier to track as opposed to stepping on a band and wrapping it around your foot to generate tension. All in all though they are both effective workouts so why not stack them to get 20 full minutes of total body work.
Daily Cardio Workout FREE is a great 5 to 10 minute daily cardio routine for men and women that steps you through some of the best cardio exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home. These proven workouts, demonstrated by a certified personal trainer, will whip you into shape in no time.
The Exercises
The resistance videos on disc 3 are a little different from the videos on the first 2 discs in that it is just Tony instructing and demonstrating all on his own without a buddy. I believe this disc was originally included in a deluxe version of the set but it is now included as a free gift in all three kits (base, expanded and complete). Another difference is that for the resistance workouts Tony uses the door attachment for the resistance bands, so if you don’t have one stick with the resistance work on discs 1 and 2 because you won’t be able to do Total Body 2 or Upper Body. For all the moves the further you are from the door the more resistance you will get, so remember that so you are not trying to switch bands throughout the workout. Now let’s get right into the workout.
Exercise #1 – Lunge Press & Fly
- Attach a resistance band to the door and face away from the door holding a handle in each hand with an overhand grip
- Lunge forward with one leg while keeping the other leg straight, make sure your knee tracks out over your front ankle
- Press the resistance band straight forward using your chest
- Bring the band back and fly it across your chest in a semi circular movement so that your hands come close together
- Bring the band and leg back and lunge with the other leg and repeat the sequence for the first minute
Exercise #2 – 3-Speed Row Boat

- Start with the band handles in your hands facing your door
- Get into a squat position with your arms extended out in front of you
- Pull the handles back into your chest as you come out of your squat
- Then extend your arms back in front of you as you get into a low squat
- Go slow for the first 20 seconds, then medium speed for 20 seconds and finish going all out
Make sure you get low into each squat with your butt low and your knees tracking out over your ankles
Exercise #3 – Lunge Flys
- Start with your right side facing the door with the handles in your hands
- Start by stepping out your left leg so that you are in a lunge position, your left foot should be facing away from the door and your right foot should be parallel with it
- Keep the right handle at your side, while you pull the band across your chest in a semi circular motion
- Alternate the motion by pulling up and around and then down and around
- Switch sides every 15 seconds, do 2 sets per side to reach the minute
Exercise #4 – 3×4 Curls
- Start by facing the door holding the handles with an underhand grip at the top of a bicep curl
- Lift one foot off the floor
- Holding the left arm at the top do 4 bicep curls with the right arm
- Then hold the right arm at the top and do 4 reps with the left arm
- Then do 4 reps with both arms and start back at the start of the sequence doing 4 reps with the right arm
- After 30 seconds switch which foot you are lifting off the floor and close out the minute
Exercise #5 – 3×4 Throws
- Start by facing away from the door with the handles in an underhand grip with your arms extended up above your head
- Step out with your left leg into a bit of lunge
- Bend at your elbows and bring your hands behind your head and do 4 tricep extensions, making sure to keep your elbows in tight and stationary
- Then hold the left hand at the top and do 4 reps with just the right tricep
- Then hold the right hand at the top and do 4 reps with just the left tricep
- Repeat the sequence for 30 seconds and then switch the leg you are lunging with and finishing out the minute by repeating the sequence
10 Min Trainer Workout
Exercise #6 – Squat & Lunge
- Face away from the door with the handles at your waist in an underhand grip
- With your feet shoulder distance apart lunge to one side, come back center squat down low, come up and lunge to the other side
- Keep repeating the sequence for the minute
During the lunges don’t turn your body keep your hips and shoulders square in front of you, but do make sure that your knee tracks out over your ankle
Exercise #7 – Side Lunge Rotation
- Start by facing the door with your right side with the handles squeezed together so that your hands are one
- Lunge with your left leg as pull and turn the band across your body, “like you are swinging a baseball bat” as Tony says
- Switch sides every 15 seconds until you hit the minute
Exercise #8 – 3- Part AB Crunch
- Grab your mat and lie on it facing away from the door, holding the handles on either side of your head
- Your feet should be on the ground so that your knees are bent and your elbows should also be bent
- Start doing crunches so that your elbows come to the floor and the handles come to your chest
- Make sure your head and shoulders stay off the mat for the entire minute
- After 20 seconds turn over to your side so that your knees are stacked and on the floor so that the crunches now target your obliques, pull the handles into your thighs for each rep
- After 20 seconds turn over and close out the minute by hitting the obliques on that side
Exercise #9 – Scissor Fly Crunch Combo
- Remaining on your mat extend your legs out straight so that you are lying down holding the handles with an overhand grip straight up in the top of a chest press position
- Lift one leg straight off the ground as high as you can and you crunch up and press the handles of the band past your leg
- Switch legs on every rep
- After 15 seconds continue with the same alternating scissor crunch movement but instead of pressing the band fly it around your leg in a semi circular motion so that your hands meet past each leg
- Change between the press and the fly every 15 seconds for the full minute
Exercise #10 – Lunge / Kickback / Curl / Twist
- Stand on your mat with your feet shoulder distance apart and facing the door, holding the handles with an overhand grip
- Do a step back lunge with one of your legs, make sure to keep the back leg straight and bend the front knee over your ankle
- While in the lunge kick back both arms, so keeping your elbows tight to your extend your arms behind you using your triceps, make sure to keep your back flat
- Step the back foot back up and turn your hands into an underhand grip and do a bicep curl
- Then while still standing up twist your torso to one side so that your arms move out to the side, then twist to the other side working your core
- Then step back with the other leg and repeat the whole sequence alternating legs for the whole minute
10 Minute Workout Sheets Printable

10 Minute Workout Videos
That’s it, you just got a total body workout in only 10 minutes. If this is your last workout of the day make sure you do a little cool down work. Tony includes a little one on the DVD for those who are interested, which is basically some ballistic and static stretching to get your heart rate down and keep you loose.